The wolf originally inhabited western Europe from Spain to Ireland, and central and northern Asia as far east as Japan. Distribution The wolf originally inhabited western Europe from Spain to Ireland, and central and northern Asia as far east as Japan. A close match for many of North America’s top predators, wolves, especially timber or grey wolves, are known for their lean but large size. Its scientific name, Canis lupus, is made up of the Latin words for dog and wolf. Its scientific name, Canis lupus, is made up of the Latin words for dog and wolf. Timber Wolf About The wolf has several common names, including eastern timber wolf, grey wolf and black wolf. A timber wolf or timberwolf is a common name for several subspecies of grey wolf Canis lupus of which there are 38 subspecies, some of which have become extinct. Mackenzie Valley Wolves are considered to be the largest-bodied wolf subspecies as compared to their lankier cousins. The wolf has several common names, including eastern timber wolf, grey wolf and black wolf.

These wolves have especially sturdy limbs and large lungs adapted for breathing at higher altitudes, which enable them to reign supreme in their natural habitat. If you suspect wolves in the depredation of livestock, pets or hunting dogs, or if wolves are exhibiting threatening or dangerous behavior, contact USDA-Wildlife Services staff immediately. Wolf Steel manufactures EcoGreen products to provide our customers with. But there have been no official studies or surveys. Timberwolf Biomass products are designed to meet clean burning emission standards.

Arguably the largest grey wolf subspecies in the world, it ranges from Alaska, the upper Mackenzie River Valley southward. If the wolf were going on the offensive, its bite force PSI would likely be much higher. The northwestern wolf ( Canis lupus occidentalis ), also known as the Mackenzie Valley wolf, Alaskan timber wolf, or Canadian timber wolf, is a subspecies of gray wolf in western North America. However, this bite force PSI was measured using a defensive bite. These smart, formidable wolves generally hunt by coordinating a stampede that causes the youngest and weakest members of the herd to fall behind for an easier takedown. Wolves have a bite force PSI of about 406, which is thought to be one of the strongest in the dog kingdom. The Mackenzie Valley Wolf is also prevalent in Yellowstone National Park, where it plays the important role of keeping the Elk population in check. The Mackenzie river is the longest river system in Canada, and nourishes an expansive ecosystem where the largest of wolves can flourish. Also known as the Northwestern Wolf or Canadian Timber Wolf, this furry giant roams the northwest, frequenting the Mackenzie River Valley. The Mackenzie Valley Wolf is the largest wolf in the world.